That’s All Folks — Enough is Enough

Following Fate, Part 13 — In the end, not all true, love stories end up happily ever after.

Kelly Neuer
5 min readFeb 21, 2022
Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

If you’re too young to know the magic of Looney Tunes, click here for a clip of my friend Porky Pig. He signs off every episode the same way…stuttering and fumbling around before giving a big wave and a smile saying, “That’s all folks”.

That’s how relationship endings are.

We stutter over words and fumble around with our feelings. Once we’re finally done stammering and mumbling, we finally end it.

No more “what if”. No more “if she/he would just”.

There is no more.

Clarity sets in and all communication blocks are set up.

Delete contacts, send E-mail to junk, block on social media. Completely erased from your life.

The road of this relationship has come to an end.

Part 13

Austin and I had ended our trial relationship four years ago. We were trying to be friends. Actual friends and nothing more. There were some phone calls here and there, but those were lacking in authenticity.

We were polite to each other for memory’s sake. For what was.



Kelly Neuer

I believe the world runs on love. Plus a sprinkle of sass. I help others make joy a reality in their own lives. Say hi!